Sunday, 23 November 2014

DVD special offer- Family night only!

DVD SPECIAL OFFER - Family Night only

Looking for a Christmas gift promoting good values for your child/children?  How about ordering a copy of Christine Fuller's latest DVD 'Helping at Home'. This video is an entertaining, and fast moving DVD featuring many large puppets engaging four young children. You will love watching lots of fun activities in and around the home, where the children are encouraged to "stick at it, and not give up."  Running time = 25 minutes.

Normally, the video retails for $20, but tomorrow only, the video can be ordered at Family Night, for $15 with a portion of each sale going to our school. Look for the sign 'DVD orders' outside the school office to make your order. Cash only please. 

Orders can be collected from Miss Bland by 10 December. 

See an excerpt of the DVD at​ 

Contact Miss Bland if you have questions. Email:  

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Puppet making

Room 14 worked super hard yesterday to create our puppets to represent members of our family and also our culture. It took us ALL day! A big thank you to Kate, Sara and Nic, who came and helped Miss Scarlett. Also a HUGE thank you to our parents who collected and donated materials for us to make and create them out of!!

Swimming- Term 4

Yesterday we had our first swimming lesson for Term 4. We were very lucky it was hot and sunny! A big thank you to the parents who came to help Miss Scarlett!!

Talking about how to enter and exit the pool safely.

Room 14 entering the pool safely

Getting ready for our warm up

Learning how to kick with straight legs

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

News rotation for the end of the term

News Rotation until Dec- I have doubled people up so everyone gets a turn before the end of the year!

Monday 17- November- Bella, Warner

Tuesday 18th Novemeber- Zephaniah, Sweta
Wednesday 19th Novemeber- Rhea, Liam
Thursday 20th November- Leshay, Evie,
Friday 21st November- Te Ariki, Amelia
Monday 24th November- Dipesh, Bridget
Tuesday 25th November Arlo, Kheiani
Wednesday 26th November- Jayden, Riya
Thursday 27 November Tye, Sanvi
Friday 28th November- Floyd, Ada
Monday 1st December- Nathan
Tuesday 2nd Max, Isabella. H, Jude

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Swimming Term 4

Hi Parents/Caregivers

Room 14 will be starting swimming next week! Our swimming day is Tuesday last block 2-3pm.

As I haven't had the opportunity to take Room 14 swimming before, please email or let me know if there's any information I need to know about your child before we go swimming.



Puppet Making

Hi Parents/Caregivers,

We will be making puppets in Room 14 next Tuesday 18th November. If you could send in any re-usable items that we could make the puppets with, that would be much appreciated. 

Items such as:
  • Shoe boxes
  • Cardboard
  • Coloured paper
  • Glitter
  •  Glue, hot glue guns (that we could borrow and return)
  • Old fabric or Material.
The children have been learning about different kinds of puppets and on Tuesday they will choose how they want to make and create their puppets to represent their culture and members in their family.

I would appreciate helpers to work with groups supervising and helping with the hot glue guns etc...
Please let me know if your'e available to help from 9.15am 18th November.



Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Spring Fair Thank you!!

It was fantastic to see so many children and parents on Saturday!
A big thank you to all the parents who helped Room 14's stall by either donating bottles or helping to the run the stall on the day. We are still yet to hear how much we raised but we are hoping to of met our target. It was such a fun day!! 

Thanks again everyone!

From Miss Scarlett and Miss Mead

Miss Mead taught Room 14 some new games

Miss Mead taught Room 14 two new games today. Zombie Tag and Chain Tag. Room 14 loved Zombie tag, they got to act like Zombies and chase one another. Check out our zombie poses.

Puppet show Nov 21st

Dear parents and caregivers,
The over-arching theme for Ara Teina students this year is ‘Green,’ in which we have covered several aspects of living sustainability. During Term 4 we continue the theme with a focus on looking at how different ethnicities sustain their culture and identity in their everyday lives. One way in which the children are exploring this is by creating puppets, and performing personalised puppet shows based on their own family cultures. Puppets are used universally by both children and adults to tell stories, to entertain and to convey messages. Ara Teina teachers hope that by giving children opportunities to explore their own identity through the medium of puppetry, it will help foster an appreciation for their own culture as well as that of others.
To support our learning we will be having Christine Fuller from ‘Hands Alive Puppet Theatre’ visit us on Friday 21 November to put on two puppet shows, one for the Year 0-1 students and another for the Year 2 children. She will be using a variety puppets to bring some well-known stories to life. We are excited to give Ara Teina children the opportunity to see a puppeteer in action. We hope that the show will be inspirational.
The cost for the show is:
·         $2.50 for non-Loyalty Card holders
·         $2 for those who have a Loyalty Card.
Payment can be made directly to your child’s teacher(s). Loyalty Card holders, please include your Loyalty Card number with your payment.
If you have queries, please talk to your child’s classroom teacher(s).
Kind regards,
Kirsten Bland
Classroom teacher,

Arahoe School