Monday, 27 January 2014


We are very excited to have you with us in 2014!

Just a few things to note down;
Swimming will be on Mondays. Please make sure that your children's clothes are named and that they are confident changing in and out of their togs.

Hats are compulsory Term 1 and 4 and available from the office. No hat, no play, no sun today. This will be enforced from Tuesday.

Room 14 will be open from 8:30am in the mornings. Anytime before 8:30 children will need to be put in before school care as I won’t always be in the room due to meetings etc.

Please also start bringing in spare clothes (t shirt, shorts and a change of underwear) for your child/ren, named and in a plastic bag. We will keep them in the classroom. These are important for all kinds of incidents that may occur at school. 

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