Thursday, 27 February 2014

Basic facts

Welldone to these clever cookies who got 100% in the CA basic facts level last well. This week we had Sweta and Sanvi also get 23/23! 

Keep practising your basic facts on the basic facts tab of the blog

Dont forget to have a look at and post on our "All about Me" Padlet wall

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Painting our boxes

Today we started to paint our boxes for our Assemblage Art. We put our names in a plastic bag with our treasures so we wont loose them, and chose a bright colour to paint it.  We kept ourselves clean with paint shirts and had a group of helpers clean up all the paint we spilt on the table.

Syndicate Swimming Tomorrow

This Thursday supervised swimming is available for Ara Teina children at lunchtime. If your child is interested they can bring their togs and towel for an extra swim this week!!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Dancing with Room 21

Today we started practising moving in different ways for our dance we will be performing with room 21! Each class in Ara Teina will be performing a dance to a different version of "True Colours"   Our version has a saxophone in it! 

Thank you!

A BIG thanks to Tye and Bridget's mums who came and helped put away all our books this morning!

All about me

WALT explore and share ideas about ourselves and others

This term we are getting to know all our new friends in Room 14. We will be using Padlet to complete a profile about each of the members of Room 14. Padlet is password protected to ensure full privacy of children's details and only our classroom will have access. Double click once you get to the wall to add you information. If you don't have access to the internet the Junior ancillary room will be open before and after school.

Home work task: 
Click on the link below and add the password to complete a post about yourself. You can even add a picture! Passwords will be sent home in our homework books Wednesday.


In swimming this week our three groups are learning three new things! The nemos are building confidence in the water by making waterfalls with cups, the Doris practised their strong kicking and our last group was learning to float using noodles! We had a lot of fun in the pool. 

Although we try our best sometimes our uniforms get mixed up. To ensure we can find our belongings please make sure all uniforms are labelled! Thanks 

We love writing

Today in Writing the blue pencils group was learning how to set up their books! They worked very hard to remember the 3 things you need to do; write their name, the date and draw in their Casey eggs. The rest the class used the mimio, painted a picture and wrote about it and practiced their handwriting using the Casey the caterpillar shapes. We love Writing!! 

Monday, 24 February 2014


We are looking for Parents to help put away books and do other jobs to help with our learning! So far we only have one amazing parent who has offered to help!

Please come see Mrs Moorhouse if you have a few spare minutes before or after school. Thanks in advance! 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Basic facts

Today we joined with room 24 to learn how to take a basic facts test. We will be doing this test every Friday so it was good to practise with the experts. First we got our paper - we all started off on the CA level. Then when the teacher said start we had 1:30seconds to complete all the questions. Then we swapped papers with our buddy and buddy marked. Each week we will record our progress on a graph! 

Stay tuned for more information and homework ideas to help us with our basic facts. 

Buddy class fun

Today our buddy class organised tabloid games for us. We split into 6 groups and rotated around the 6 games! It was lots of fun! 

Next week we will be doing the same thing so must remember our hats! 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Making a plan

Today we had a look at the assembledge Art that Miss Blands niece made. We learned lots about what she liked, there were even some lollies!! Then we started planning our assembledge Art! We made a sketch and thought about what favourites we would like to bring in! 

Keep bringing in boxes and favourite items to put into our boxes. 

Tidy Kiwis

This week our class has a special job of keeping our school rubbish free! We went around today and picked up so much rubbish!

Monday, 17 February 2014


In Reading this week the giraffes and zebras have been learning how to ask and answer questions about what they are reading! They had to pick up a question flag and ask a question beginning with the word in the flag. 

Our five question starters are;


Mrs Walmsley

A huge thanks to Mrs Walmsley who has joined us for the past 3 weeks as our student teacher. We a super lucky to have her back and teaching us later in the year. 

He aha te tae

Today we learnt how to ask what colour something was. We practised asking "he aha te tae?" 

He Whero

He kikorangi

Buddy class

On Friday we met our buddy class - room 1. We had lots of fun meeting them and reading with them! 

Cornwallis Beach Trip

Monday 17 February 2014

Dear Parents / caregivers

Ara Teina are pleased to announce our annual Family Fun Beach Picnic.  A visit to Cornwallis Beach is planned for our Y1’s Tuesday 4th MARCH and our Y2’s Thursday 6th March. 

On the days of the trips we will travelling by bus and will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am. We will arrive back at school at approximately 2:30pm. 

As we wish to keep costs to a minimum, we ask all parents to meet us at Cornwallis Beach.  If you are able to provide transport for other parents could you let your child’s class teacher know.

The total cost for a return bus fare to the beach will be $5 for Loyalty card holders and $7 for non-loyalty card holders.  
For the beach trip your child will need:
Packed lunch and water bottle                                          
Togs and towel
Appropriate footwear                                             
Appropriate clothing (not uniform)

Please let your child’s teacher know before the trip, if your child requires any medication to take with them on the day.

We ask that water toys and inflatables are not brought on the trip.

If it is raining the visit will be cancelled and costs incurred will be transferred to next term’s trip.

Shenita Prasad - Team Leader for Ara Teina ( )                  

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Walking the bridge

Today in maths the red monsters were learning our numbers to ten. We had to walk the number bridge and read the numbers! 

Assemblage Art

This year the topic Ara Teina will be focusing on is Sustainability.  We hope to explore different facets of this very important concept each term during the year. 

During Term 1 the children will be learning that they are unique and talented individuals, each having a part to play in the classroom and within our school.  The concept of being unique will be explored through Visual Art with the children creating a piece of ‘assemblage art’ that reflects their likes and passions.  (Assemblage art is when an artist collects used objects and assembles them into a 2 or 3 dimensional work of art.)  We are excited to promote the idea of reusing and recycling items to generate good quality art.  Here are two examples of the kind of artwork we will be making this term. 

How you can help…
v  Firstly, please help your child to complete the ‘My Favourite Things worksheet.  This will help your child identify the things they really love and what they could use in their assemblage artwork.  Please return the worksheet to your classroom teacher as soon as possible.
v  Next, we need your help to collect the following items ...
·      small boxes (shoe boxes or slightly larger boxes are perfect), & little boxes that can fit inside it
·      ribbons, scrap fabric (such as flat fats/fat quarters), beads, old jewellery, acrylic paint... in fact, any craft materials would be useful!
·      5 or 6 little items that could be displayed inside the box that reflect your child’s interests, for example, a toy car, a wrapper from a favourite lolly, a piece of lego, a Barbie doll, an outgrown item of clothing, an old headband, a loved toy, a photo of your family...

Thank you for your help!  We look forward to seeing some amazing artwork later this term!

Please be in touch if you have any questions.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Super worker

Today we spotted a super worker! I wonder who will be tomorrow's super worker ...