Tuesday, 25 February 2014

All about me

WALT explore and share ideas about ourselves and others

This term we are getting to know all our new friends in Room 14. We will be using Padlet to complete a profile about each of the members of Room 14. Padlet is password protected to ensure full privacy of children's details and only our classroom will have access. Double click once you get to the wall to add you information. If you don't have access to the internet the Junior ancillary room will be open before and after school.

Home work task: 
Click on the link below and add the password to complete a post about yourself. You can even add a picture! Passwords will be sent home in our homework books Wednesday.


  1. uh oh... Jayden's picture is too big, we haven't been able to resize it on the Mac... Sorry! Vicky

  2. That alright Vicky, if you email it to me we can put it up together at school if you like.

    Oh no, Nathan must have missed out somehow. If you email me at, sarahm@arahoe.school.nz I will give you the password.
