Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Transfer Station notice!

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Thank you for your prompt return of permission slips and payment for our trip to the Refuse Station in Henderson.

For our trip to the Refuse Station on Wednesday 21 May children will need
to wear covered shoes and have their morning tea packed in a small plastic bag.  As we will be back at school at about 12.30, children will eat lunch then. We will be packing our morning tea bags into a small box to take with us, as requested by the Refuse Station. 

If it is raining we will continue the trip, as there are inside facilities as part of the tour.

For parents coming on the trip, to comply with safety standards we need one delegated photographer for each class and no cell phones.  Please let your classroom teacher know if you are interested in taking photos- this parent will not be responsible for any students.

Thanks again,
Miss Sarah Ellis (Room 20) and Miss Samantha Scarlett (Room 14)

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