Monday, 13 October 2014

Litter free lunch boxes competition

Arahoe School cares for the environment. We want to reduce the amount
of rubbish we send to the landfill.
You can help us…
Make your lunch-box free of gladwrap and
plastic wrappers as these are non-recyclable.  Instead, put food such as yoghurt, chips

and biscuits into reusable containers.

Arahoe Primary School is becoming Waste Wise. Part of becoming waste wise is learning how to eliminate our lunch rubbish each day. For four weeks there is a whole school litter free lunchbox competition. Each student in every class needs to try and bring their lunch to school using more sustainable ways and eliminate the use of lunch wrapping such as gladwrap. Each day the class counts how many students lunchboxes are litter free and records it on the calendar, the results can also be graphed on a wall display. The class with the MOST litter free lunches over a four week period wins.

 The prize up for grabs is a litter free picnic at the mystery location for the whole class and also getting to choose and plant the centerpiece tree for the school vegetable garden.

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