Sunday 20 July 2014

Newsletter for Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I hope you had a fantastic holiday and are just as excited as I am to start Term 3.

Our main topic this term is Health. We will be learning about road safety, keeping ourselves safe and the impact we have on our environment. In Mathematics we will be continuing to develop addition and subtraction strategies, and some groups will also be looking at multiplication and division. In our strand Maths we will learn about Geometry and Measurement.

It was really pleasing to see so many students moving up at least a level if not higher in their reading last term. This term I will continue to work on strategies for unknown words and comprehension with the children.

I have glued in a notice in your child’s notebook updating you of your child’s progress in their reading, spelling (from the essential list) and basic facts from the testing I did at the end of term.

Room 14 are in need of a few items and it would be great if we could re-use what you already have at home. Could you keep an eye out for, or collect over the term the following please:
·         Plastic containers- yoghurt or butter (great for art putting paint into… etc)
·         Newspapers and magazines- for art, and cutting out pictures for collages
·         Any scrap paper- can have things printed on one side

We also need some more Art T-Shirts. I have a couple but am in need of more, so if you have any old shirts you no longer wear and would like to donate them to the budding artists in Room 14, that would be much appreciated! :)

Finally, there are a few occasions this term where I require parent help in the classroom for various activities, please email me if you are available to do so.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Samantha Scarlett
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I would also like to put together an email list of parents for Room 14.
Please return this slip with the names of all parents/caregivers who would like to be added to the mailing list.

Email Address: __________________________________

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