Tuesday 13 May 2014

We are learning to sort our rubbish..

We brainstormed today what items can go into the rubbish bin, what we can recycle and what we can put into compost.

Room 14 sorted their lunch boxes into categories.

Zephaniah has got a pile of left over food scraps that would go into the compost.

Evie has two piles. One is rubbish, the other can go into the compost.

Jude has 3 piles for the rubbish bin, recycling and compost.

Jayden's yogurt container can be recycled. 

Dipesh has sorted his lunchbox  and created a pile for the rubbish bin.

Miss Scarlett will be creating a display with the rest of Room 14's lunchboxes on our topic wall. Make sure you come to Room 14 to see how the rest of Room 14 has sorted their lunchboxes. 

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